Monday, August 25, 2008

Why is effective communication important?

Communication is the ability to share information with people and to understand what information and feelings are being conveyed by others. Effective communication is very important in work as it is a form of link between colleagues and superiors. As workplace is like a second home, hence communicate effectively between colleagues helps to improve informal relations and allows one to actually enjoy working in the environment. Lack of communication in the workplace is a problem for some workgroup teams in business today. Successful teams require effective communication in the workplace among the workers themselves as well as between superiors and colleagues as message carried are clearly noted, so that tasks can be done with minimal mistake being made.

Skilled superiors who know good communication skills are necessary for team building, to allow a closer relationship between staffs and therefore effective teamwork. Working in a team situation requires frequent and open communication between colleagues and superiors. Without effective communication, ideas, directions, and thoughts are lost or misunderstood, it may even lead to conflicts which results in poor team work. Faulty communication is the main problem arises in conflicts, which may lead to ineffective communication. Many of the conflicts in work are due to faulty communication between sender and receiver. Therefore effective communication is important during work.


PeiPei said...

Gave quite a few of good examples of the usefulness of efffective communication in workplace. I agree with her that a successful team required effective communication among each other. However, she can discuss more about how effective communication can help her to deal with friends, family, school, etc.

-wendy- said...

I agreed with her that effective communication indeed is quite important in workplace especially situation when working as a team. Main problem working in a team is misunderstanding which will ultimately lead to conflicts. Hence, developing effective communication does help to lessen relationships strain. However, she can discuss on the other aspect that is active listening, as i believe that effective communication is a two-way exchange.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chiew Yen,

I agree with you that conflicts can arise due to faulty communication in the workplace. During the holidays, I worked part-time at the shoe-counter for an Adidas road show. Miscommunication would arise when the crowd arrived and there were many requests to handle. Customers some times did not get the right pair of shoes as my friends mixed up the shoe models and told me to grab the wrong one. I'm partly to blame too as listening to their requests was difficult due to background noise. As a result, I had to walk all the way back into the storeroom and search frantically for the right pair.I think in situations like this, written communication is the best way to prevent misunderstandings.

grace kim said...

Hi Chiew Yen, thanks for your blog. I notice that you have focused on the importance of effective communication in the workplace but what troubles me a little is that the words,"I" or "We" do not appear at all in your blog even though the question asks why effective communication is important to YOU.

Do use more connectors in your post to make your writing more cohesive. Also, be careful of your sentence construction. Eg. "Faulty communication is the main problem arises in conflicts, which may lead to ineffective communication."

Unknown said...

Being the universal language, proper English grammar should be observed other than having 1300 numbers for communication.

Unknown said...

Effective communication is as much important as anything in any segment of life, i think may be because of this reason many of the business owners are using Australian toll free numbers in Australia.

Unknown said...

To make the other person clearly understand the exact meaning of each and every word, the effective communication is important. Also for effective communication to take place its important to use the correct medium of communication,as many of the business owners in Australia are using 1800 phone words along with other telecom provisions.

Unknown said...

Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent.
See the link below for more info.


Unknown said...

Very well explain on these important topics. I really enjoyed to reading and Thanks for sharing with us!!! building effective communication skills

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